Saturday, October 15, 2005

Game Development Status 10/15/05

I am working on the game again after a little hiatus due to minor things like work, recovering from a sinus infection, making wedding plans, and dodging hurricanes. I converted my notes on Robert Fulton's test observations into tasks:

bug 051015-1: (rfulton 050827)
high assaulting units failing their roll to close do not move adjacent and exchange Feu

enh 051015+1: (rfulton 050827)
high allow an option to have a hotseat game without passwords

enh 051015+2: (rfulton 050827)
mid as soon as a unit is plotted one hex out of it's starting hex, show the next unit in the stack

confirm with Chris

enh 051015+3: (rfulton 050827)
mid-high permanent status dialog

a dockable modeless dialog that shows what we currently display in the status bar

enh 051015+4: (rfulton 050827)
mid stack dialog

a dockable modeless dialog that shows the contents of the current stack and allows rearrangement of the units within a stack

perhaps also some status info (plotted or not, MU or not)?
vertical or horizontal layout? (I like vertical)

My current TODO list reads like:

1. enh 051015+1: (Robert Fulton 050827)
allow an option to have a hotseat game without passwords

2. bug 051015-1: (Robert Fulton 050827)
assaulting units failing their roll to close do not move adjacent and exchange Feu

3. bug 050702-5: (Richard Kane 050702)
jump map dlg footprint overlay graphic does not maintain state wrt scrolling in the app when jump is not shown

4. bug 050702-6: (Richard Kane 050702)
jump map dlg footprint overlay graphic cannot move to right and bottom of jump map

5. bug 050702-7: (Richard Kane 050702)
diagnose and fix code ASSERT in Point to Point LOS

to reproduce: a) select unit, b) turn pt-pt los on c) scroll vert


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